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15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy  Everyone can use solar electricity to help create a greener environment.

15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy 

In this article, we will discuss 15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy. examines several amusing and intriguing facts regarding solar energy.

15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy

1>> What Is Solar Energy

The first item in our list of 15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy is to discusses what solar energy is. Solar energy is defined as the radiant energy emitted by the sun. This mostly refers to the solar radiation emitted by the sun in all directions. Some of this energy eventually reaches the ground and plays an important role in warming our planet and sustaining life on Earth.

2>> It can be used to generate electricity

Solar energy can be used to generate power. This involves a mechanism known as the photovoltaic effect, which causes voltage and current to be generated in a specific material when exposed to sunlight.

In this article, we will discuss 15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy.

3>> Who Invented Solar PV

The solar photovoltaic effect was discovered and invented by Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel. He observed the phenomenon in 1839, at the age of 19, using an electrode in a conductive solution that he exposed to sunlight. His breakthrough paved the door for the technology that is still used in solar cells around the world today. As a result, the photovoltaic effect is sometimes referred to as the ‘Becquerel effect’.

In 1839, Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect.

4>> There are two kinds of solar panels

There are two types of solar panels: photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors. Solar PV creates energy, whereas solar thermal heats a fluid as part of a solar hot water system. Solar PV is more popular than solar thermal, yet both have advantages in certain applications.

5>> Solar energy is a renewable resource

Solar energy is a renewable and abundant energy source. This means it will never be depleted, at least not while the earth is capable of supporting life. This is an important aspect of our collection of solar energy facts.

We work to conserve natural resources like coal, oil, and gas by using renewable energy. These fossil fuels are non-renewable and will eventually deplete. As a result, it is critical that we preserve as much of these resources as possible for future generations.

6>> Solar Energy Is Eco-Friendly

Solar energy is a more environmentally friendly alternative to using fossil fuels to create electricity. Significant amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere when we burn fossil fuels to generate power. Not only are these gases bad for the ecosystem and the air we breathe, but they also contribute to climate change.

More solar energy consumption for power production is critical for our planet’s future. We are lowering the levels of greenhouse gases created by man by employing this clean and renewable energy source. This helps to mitigate the impact of humans on climate change and global warming.

In this article, we will discuss 15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy.

7>> ‘Solar Farms’ Are Groups of Solar Panels

Multiple solar panels are linked together in one system in big size solar PV installations. This contributes to increased power capacity and the generation of large amounts of electricity. Such installations are frequently referred to as solar farms.

8>> The United States has the most solar energy capacity in North America

It may come as no surprise to you that the United States has the most solar energy capacity in North America. The table below illustrates how the United States is leading the way in solar technologies across the North American continent. This data is also based on IRENA’s 2018 renewable energy statistics report.

Table 1 shows the capacity of solar energy in North America by country as of the end of 2017.

CountryCapacity (MW)
Table 1 shows the capacity of solar energy in North America

In this article, we will discuss 15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy.

9>> China is the world’s largest consumer of solar energy

China is the largest user of solar energy, which may surprise you. China, in reality, is the largest consumer of numerous renewable energy sources due to its size and population.

China has a solar energy capacity of 130,646 MW by the end of 2017. To put this in context, all European countries together had a total capacity of only 111,789 MW over the same time period. This information comes from the International Renewable Energy Association’s 2018 report on renewable energy statistics (IRENA).

10>> Solar Energy Is a Remote Power Source

Solar energy has the ability to provide power to isolated settlements and outposts. This has various advantages, the most important of which is that it eliminates the need to run power lines to remote areas.

11>> A Plane Can Fly Using Solar Energy

Solar energy can, in fact, be used to power an aeroplane! The Solar Impulse project is a prime example of how solar energy has the potential to alter future transportation. Pilots Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg completed a round-the-world trip in 2016 using a solar-powered plane as part of this project.

15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy
15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy

12>> The global solar energy capacity is around 389,572 MW

According to IRENA data from 2018, the world’s total solar energy capacity at the end of 2017 was 389,572 MW. This demonstrates how important solar energy is to the renewable energy industry.

13>> Solar Energy Powers Satellites

Solar energy can power satellites, which is similar to number eleven on our list of amazing solar energy facts. It would be nearly difficult to provide an economically viable form of power supply for the world’s satellites without the utilisation of solar energy. Such devices require continuous power to function. While this might be accomplished using batteries, it would be impractical and costly to replace them when they ran out.

This data may come as a surprise to many who believe that solar energy is the most widely used renewable energy source. Wind energy has a higher capacity than solar energy, which is the most popular energy source for many home-based renewable energy systems. In 2017, global wind energy capacity was approximately 125,000 MW greater than solar energy capacity.

This is partly because wind turbines can generate significantly more electricity than small-scale solar installations. Even more astonishing, hydropower produced more than double the amount of electricity as wind energy in 2017.

15>> Solar Can Help You Save Money

The last in the list of our 15 Interesting Information about Solar Energy is that it can really save you money. When solar panels are installed properly, they can provide a return on investment (ROI) over their lifetime. While solar photovoltaic cells have a high initial cost, a solar panel system will help you save money on your energy costs.

Because solar cells generate electricity, they can be utilised in place of the electricity purchased from your utility company. These savings can eventually cover the cost of a solar installation. When combined with federal tax incentives and the prospect of net metering, you may be able to expedite the return on investment for your home solar energy system.

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