Home Wind Turbine, Planning & Installing

Home Wind Turbine, Planning, Installing & Maintaining

Home Wind Turbine
Home Wind Turbine

Home wind turbines are one of the most cost-effective renewable energy systems at home with zero emissions and pollution if you have enough wind resources in your area and the scenario is suitable.

Small wind electric systems can:

  • Reduce your energy bills by 50%-90%.
  • Assist you in avoiding the exorbitant expenditures of extending utility power lines to a remote area.
  • Assist uninterruptible power supplies in surviving extended utility outages.

Small electric wind systems can also be utilised for other purposes, like as water pumping on farms and ranches.

This article will go over how to plan, install, and maintain a tiny wind turbine, as well as the overall cost.

How A Small Wind Electric System Works

Small Wind Electric System Works
Small Wind Electric System Works

The wind is caused by the sun’s uneven heating of the Earth’s surface. Wind turbines harness the kinetic energy of the wind to generate clean electricity. A rotor catches the kinetic energy of the wind and converts it into rotational motion to operate the generator when the wind moves the wind turbine’s blades.

Home wind turbines are smaller versions of the enormous turbines you see on the side of the highway that generate clean electrical energy from the kinetic energy of the wind.

To keep the rotor from spinning out of control in high winds, most turbines incorporate automatic Overspeed control devices. More information on how wind systems work and the benefits they give can be found in our wind power animation.

A modest wind system can be connected to the power grid through your electricity provider or it can operate independently (off-grid). As a result, modest wind electric systems are an excellent solution for rural areas that are not yet connected to the electric grid.

Small Wind Electric System Components

A wind-electric system is made up of a wind turbine erected on a tower to take advantage of stronger winds. Small wind turbines require system balance components in addition to the turbine and tower.

1. Turbines


The majority of tiny wind turbines produced today are horizontal-axis, updraft machines with two or three blades. These blades are typically composed of a composite material like fibreglass.

The turbine frame is the structure that houses the rotor, generator, and stern. The diameter of a turbine’s rotor determines the quantity of energy it will produce. The “swept area,” or the amount of wind intercepted by the turbine, is defined by the rotor’s diameter. The stern keeps the turbine pointed in the direction of the wind.

2. Towers

A tiny wind turbine is put on a tower because wind speeds increase with altitude. In general, the higher the tower, the more electricity the wind system can create.

Investments at a higher tower height can result in very significant returns on power generation. Raising a 10-kilowatt generator from a 60-foot tower to a 100-foot tower, for example, raises the entire system cost by 10% while producing 25% more electricity.

The majority of wind turbine manufacturers provide wind energy system packages that include towers. Towers are classified into two types: self-supporting (free-standing) and guyed. Guyed towers are also available in fold-down forms. The majority of house wind turbines employ a guyed tower, which is less expensive and easier to build than self-supporting towers.

Guyed towers, on the other hand, require ample space to accommodate them because the guy radius must be one-half to three-quarters of the tower height.

While tilt-down towers are more expensive, they provide an easier way for the user to do maintenance on smaller lightweight turbines, typically 10 kilowatts or fewer. During severe weather, such as hurricanes, tilt-down towers can also be lowered to the ground. Aluminum towers break easily and should be avoided.

Balance Of System Components

In addition to the wind turbine and tower, the system compensation pieces required for a small wind electric system are determined by your application. The parts necessary for a water pumping system, for example, are substantially different from those required for a residential application.

The pieces needed for system balance are also determined by whether your system is grid-connected, stand-alone, or hybrid.

Most manufacturers can give you with a system package that includes all of the components required for your specific application.

The balance-of-system components for a residential grid-connected application can include:

  • A controller
  • Storage batteries
  • An inverter (power conditioning unit)
  • Wiring
  • Electrical disconnect switch
  • Grounding system
  • Foundation for the tower.

Planning A Small Wind Electric System

Small wind electrical systems must be developed to assess whether there is enough wind, if the location is good, if wind systems are acceptable, and if the system is cost effective.

In the case of small wind turbines, it must be planned whether there is enough wind in your region on a consistent basis, whether the system’s location corresponds to the system’s requirements, whether zone codes or covenants allow wind systems in your region, and whether the system will be economical taking all of these elements into account.

Estimating Your Wind Resource

You must estimate your site’s wind resources to establish its suitability for a small wind electricity system. Because of local topography affects on wind flow, the wind resource might vary significantly over a few kilometres. You can estimate your wind resource using the methods listed below.

  • Consult Wind Resource Maps: The first step is to consult a wind resource map, which is used to determine the wind resource in your area. Wind resource maps by state are available on the US Department of Energy’s WINDExchange.
  • Obtain Airport Wind Speed Data: Obtaining information about the average wind speed from a nearby airport is another technique to indirectly measure the wind resource. Local terrain and other factors, however, can cause the wind speed measured at an airport to differ from your location. Airport wind data is often collected at heights of 6 to 10 metres above ground. Average wind speeds rise with height and can be 15 to 25% higher than height measurements from airport anemometers with a typical hub height of 24 metres.
  • Observe Vegetation Flagging: Marking (the effect of strong winds on the area’s vegetation) can assist in determining wind speeds in the area. Strong winds can permanently deform trees, particularly conifers and evergreens.
  • Make use of a measurement system: The most accurate image of the available resource is provided by direct monitoring by a wind resource measurement system at a location. Wind measurement equipment can be purchased for as little as $ 600 to $1,200. The gauges must be raised to prevent turbulence caused by trees, buildings, and other impediments. The most useful measurements are taken at hub height, which is the height at the top of the tower where the wind turbine will be mounted.
  • Obtain Data from a Local Small Wind System: If you live near a small wind turbine, you may be able to obtain information about the system’s annual performance and, if necessary, wind speed data.

Zoning, Permitting, And Covenant Requirements

Before investing in a modest wind energy system, investigate potential zoning and neighbourhood covenant difficulties.

Contact the local building inspector, board of supervisors, and/or planning board to learn about zoning regulations in your region. They can tell you if a building permit is required and give you with a list of requirements.

Aside from zoning concerns, your neighbours or homeowners’ association may object to a wind turbine that hinders their view. They may also be anxious about noise. The majority of zoning and aesthetic issues can be handled by providing objective facts.

Some general information concerning house wind electric system height and noise issues:

Height Issue: Some authorities limit the height of constructions permitted in residential zones, however deviations are frequently permitted. Most zoning ordinances include a 35-foot height restriction.

Noise Concerns: Most current wind turbines in residential areas have a sound level that is slightly higher than the ambient wind noise. This means that, while the sound of the wind turbine can be separated from the ambient noise if one tries hard enough, a residential-sized wind turbine will not be a substantial source of noise under typical wind conditions.

See state and municipal codes and requirements for small renewable energy installations for further information.

The Economics Of A Small Wind Electric System

A number of aspects should be estimated to assist you examine the economics of a small wind turbine and decide if wind power is right for you, including:

  • Costs
  • Savings
  • Cash flow
  • Output
  • Electric bills and electric bill comparisons
  • Wind characteristics
  • Simple payback in years.

Finding these estimates might help you decide whether wind power is a viable choice in your area. If it is taking too long to recoup your capital investment, the number of years is approaching or beyond the system’s wind energy life. This is not feasible for you.

Installing And Maintaining A Small Wind Electric System

When you’ve completed the planning procedures to determine whether a tiny wind turbine would operate at your site, you’ll have a broad notion of:

  • The wind speed at your location
  • Your neighborhood’s zoning regulations and covenants
  • The economics, payback, and incentives of putting in a wind turbine at your location.

It is now time to look at the challenges that will arise during the installation of the wind system:

  • Locating the optimum placement for your system
  • Estimating the annual energy output of the system and selecting the appropriate size turbine and tower
  • Choosing whether or not to link the system to the electric grid.

Installation And Maintenance

The manufacturer of your wind turbine or the dealer from whom you purchased it should be able to assist you with the installation of your tiny wind turbine.

You can set up the system on your own. However, before embarking on the project, consider the following questions.

  • Can I lay a solid cement foundation?
  • Do I have access to a lift or a safe way to erect the tower?
  • Is it possible for me to tell the difference between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) wiring?
  • Do I know enough about electricity to wire my turbine safely?
  • Do I know how to handle and install batteries safely?

If you responded no to any of the preceding questions, you should probably have your system installed by a system integrator or installer. For assistance, contact the manufacturer or your state energy office and local utility for a list of local system installers. You can also look for Wind Energy Providers in the Yellow Pages.

Additional services, such as approval, can be provided by a reputable installer. Check to see if the installer is a licenced electrician, and ask for and check references. You can also get in touch with the Better Business Bureau.

A small wind power system should last for at least 20 years if properly installed and maintained. Annual maintenance may involve the following:

  • Bolts and electrical connections should be checked and tightened as needed.
  • Checking machinery for corrosion and the tension of guy wires
  • Checking for and replacing any damaged leading edge tape on turbine blades, when needed
  • If necessary, replace the turbine blades and/or bearings after 10 years.

If you lack the knowledge to maintain the system, the installation may offer a service and maintenance programme.

Siting A Small Electric Wind System

Your system manufacturer or dealer can also assist you in determining the optimal position for your wind turbine. Some general considerations are as follows:

1. Wind Resource Considerations  

If you live in a difficult terrain, consider your installation location carefully. For example, if you place your wind turbine on the top or windward side of a hill, you will have better access to the prevailing winds than if you place it in a gully or on the leeward side of the same hill on the same land.

Different wind resources can coexist on the same land. You must know the prevalent wind directions in your location in addition to measuring or determining the annual wind speeds. In addition to geological formations, existing impediments such as trees, buildings, and sheds must be considered.

You should also plan for future barriers, such as new structures or trees that have not grown to their maximum height. Your turbine must be 30 feet above everything within 300 feet and out of the wind from buildings and trees.

2. System Considerations

Ascertain that there is sufficient space to raise and lower the tower for maintenance. If your tower is guyed, you must allow for the guy wires. Regardless of whether the system is stand-alone or on-grid, the length of the wire between the turbine and the load must be considered (house, batteries, water pumps, etc.).

Through wire resistance, a large quantity of electricity can be lost. The more electricity that is lost, the longer the wire runs. Using more or larger cables raises your installation costs as well. When you use direct current (DC) instead of alternating current (AC), your wire losses increase. If you have a long cable run, you should convert direct current to alternating current.

Sizing Small Wind Turbines

Small domestic wind turbines typically range in size from 400 watts to 20 kilowatts, depending on the quantity of electricity you wish to create.

A typical home consumes about 10,932-kilowatt-hours of electricity each year (approximately 911 kilowatt-hours per month). A wind turbine in the 5 to 15-kilowatt range would be required to make a meaningful contribution to this demand, depending on the typical wind speed in the region.

A 1.5-kilowatt wind turbine can power a residence that requires 300 kilowatt-hours per month in an area with an annual average wind speed of 14 miles per hour (6.26 metres per second).

Create an energy budget first to calculate what size turbine you will require. Because energy efficiency is often less expensive than energy generation, reducing the quantity of electricity your home consumes is likely to be more cost-effective and reduce the size of the wind turbine necessary.

The height of a wind turbine tower influences how much electricity it generates. A manufacturer should be able to assist you in determining the tower height you require.

Estimating Annual Energy Output

An estimate of a wind turbine’s yearly energy output (in kilowatt-hours per year) is the best approach to determine whether it and the tower produce enough electricity to suit your demands.

A wind turbine manufacturer can assist you in estimating the estimated energy output. The manufacturer use a formula based on the following factors:

  • A specific wind turbine power curve
  • Wind speed on an annual basis at your location
  • The height of the tower you intend to utilise
  • Wind frequency distribution is an estimate of the number of hours the wind will blow at each speed in a typical year.

This figure should be adjusted by the manufacturer for the elevation of your site.

You can use the following formula to gain an early estimate of a wind turbine’s performance:

AEO= 0.01328 D2 V3


  • AEO = Annual energy output (kilowatt-hours/year)
  • D = Rotor diameter, feet
  • V = Annual average wind speed, miles-per hour (mph), at your site

The distinction between power and energy is that power (kilowatts) is the rate of consumption, whereas energy (kilowatt-hours) is the quantity used.

Grid-Connected Small Wind Electric Systems

Small wind energy installations can be connected to the electrical grid. These are referred to as grid-connected systems. A grid-connected wind turbine can reduce electricity use for lighting, appliances, and electrical heat.

When the turbine is unable to provide the required amount of energy, the utility company makes all the difference. If the wind turbine generates more electricity than your home requires, the excess is either sold or sent to the utility provider.

Your wind turbine will only operate while the utility grid is operational with this form of grid connection. In the event of a power outage, the wind turbine must be turned off for safety.

Grid-connected systems are feasible if the following conditions are met:

  • You reside in a location where the annual average wind speed is at least 10 miles per hour (4.5 metres per second).
  • Electricity from utility companies is costly in your area (approx. 10–15 cents per kilowatt hour).
  • The utility requirements for connecting your system to the grid are reasonable.

There are attractive incentives for selling extra electricity or purchasing wind turbines. The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, or PURPA, requires utilities to connect to and purchase power from modest wind energy systems. However, before connecting to your utility’s distribution lines, you should contact your provider to address any power quality and safety concerns.

A list of prerequisites for connecting your system to the grid can be obtained from your utility. See grid-connected household energy systems for further details.

Wind Power In Stand-Alone Systems

Wind energy can be used in off-grid, or stand-alone, systems that are not linked to a power distribution system or a power grid. Tiny wind electric systems can be utilised in conjunction with other components, such as a small solar power system, to produce hybrid power systems in certain applications.

Hybrid power systems can offer dependable off-grid electricity to homes, farms, or even entire communities (such as a co-housing project) that are located distant from utility lines.

If you fit the following criteria, an off-grid hybrid electrical system may be beneficial to you:

  • You reside in a location where the annual average wind speed is at least 9 miles per hour (4.0 metres per second).
  • A grid connection is either unavailable or requires an expensive extension. The cost of laying a power line to a remote location to connect to the utility grid can be prohibitively expensive, ranging from $15,000 to more than $50,000 per mile depending on geography.
  • You want to be self-sufficient in terms of energy.
  • You want to generate renewable energy.

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